Oct 06

Only 2 days after the release of Fring, there is already a hack available that allows you to make free calls via the 3G network. Fring has been allowed to the App Store under condition that you can just use it to make phone calls via WiFi networks. But on the Fring forum you can already find the instructions on how to perform the hack.
» Fring hack: Free Skype calls via 3G/Edge

Aug 12

The iPhone 3G has officially been available for one month now. Many of you have had the chance to playwith the shiny new gadget and find its pro’s and con’s. well what would you change about it? tell us in the comments section below.

Aug 05

The iPhone 3G is indeed an amazing phone, unfortunately it is not available to all even in countries where it is sold. Come August 20th, that will change for many, for that is when USB fever will be releasing their iPhone 3G unlocking tool. » iPhone 3G unlocking tool on its way!

Jun 26

The latest beta of Firmware2.0 will allow us to safely remove all settings and personal data. Apple has listened to it’s users and especially to Jonathan Zdziarski who created a special iPhone Forensics Toolkit that allowed for retrieval of personal data on the iPhone.
» Firmware 2.0 – Safe erasing

Jun 07

Engadget somehow got hold of the iPhone 3G firmware v 2.0. Apparently the iPhone new firmware has been released to major carriers partners and it already has been dissected to the bone. Most noticeable changes and features are:
» iPhone 3G leaked firmware details ?

May 31

A great video presentation of a 3G iPhone concept. Note that this is just a concept send in for the design contest. But everything is so smooth and hot, I just had to share it with you. Especially the way the accelerometer is being used with the icons on springboard.
Read more to view the video.

» 3G Iphone Concept

May 31

We’ve been following every rumor out there about the new 3G iPhone.

Now we seem to have some more confirmation on the rumor that the new 3g phone will have a Global Positioning System (GPS). GigaOM is trying to grab the rumor by it’s tail for they have made an interesting discovery. » More rumors of GPS on the 3G Iphone

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