Sep 12

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has released a last-minute research report showing “his expectations” for Apple’s iPod Touch update which will be introduced today. Kuo said that he expects the new model to offer new colors , 4-inch display and thinner body, GPS, camera improvements, cross-device compatibility, A5 Chip and a smaller dock connector. Check out after the break for more details. » iPod Touch Update To Bring New Colors, GPS & Camera Improvements?

Sep 06

iLounge reported that Apple will be the “exclusive initial supplier” for the new Dock Connector Adapter that will allow the next-generation iPhone to be used with older 30-pin Dock Connectors, which they reportedly will sell for $10 each or $29 for three. » Apple Will Be Sole Maker of iPhone 5 Dock Connector Adapters

Sep 03

Some days ago GSM Israel posted a video showing a physical iPhone 5 mock-up which was found at the IFA 2012 consumer electronics show in Berlin. The mockup was created by a case manufacturer to test early case designs on the upcoming iPhone. The Verge took some high quality photos and created an video of the device where they compare it with the iPhone 4S. Check out the video after the break. » Physical Mockup Hands On Of The iPhone 5

Aug 31

Marco Arment “the developer of Instapaper” spotted two new iPad device codes in his logs that he believes represents the long rumored “iPad mini”. Macrumors explainsThe new identifiers found were “iPad2,5” and “iPad2,6”. As Arment notes, the iPad2,1 through iPad 2,3 designations are known to represent the iPad 2’s WiFi, GSM and CDMA models. The iPad2,4 represents a die-shrunk/cheaper version of the iPad 2 that was released alongside the 3rd generation iPad. Finally, the 3rd Generation iPad carries a designation of iPad3,x“. Which means, “iPad2,5” and “iPad2,6” are new device codes and can possible be the “iPad mini”. » Possible ‘iPad Mini’ Spotted In iOS App Developer Logs

Aug 31

A new report from [Google translation] is pointing to a fresh set of high-quality photos and a video of an assembled front panel which they claim to be from the next-generation iPhone “iPhone 5”. The photos and video is coming from a Chinese parts distributor called SINOCET. Above you can see a high quality photo of a front-on view of the assembled front panel next to the same part from an iPhone 4S. » New Photos & Video Of Larger ‘iPhone 5’ Front Panel

Aug 27

Parts of the upcoming iPhone “5” which will most likely be introduced on September 12, continue to surface. These last photos which were highlighted by [Google translation] showing what appears to be the most completely assembled front panel seen yet. Above you can see an assembled front panel complete with LCD frame, front camera, and home button. After the break you can find more closeups showing flex cables for display, front camera and home button. » Photos Of “iPhone 5” Front Panel With Home Button, Front Camera & Shielding Installed

Aug 24

Apple journalist Jim Dalrymple has posted a cryptic message suggesting that Apple will hold two separate media events this fall for the new iPhone and iPad mini. The message was written in response to a theory by John Gruber of Daring Fireball, in this post: » Possible Two Separate Apple Media Events for New iPhone & iPad Mini

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