Dec 07

new-att-logo2AT&T has made an Ad to convince people that they have the fastest network compared to the network of Verizon. At&T claims they have the fastest 3G speeds. To me the Ad is not convincing at all and it would’ve been better if AT&T spent their money on some new 3G towers. » AT&T iPhone Ad Compares Own 3G Speed With Verizon’s Network

Dec 06

iphone-explosie-238x250It happens every now and then that an iPhone explodes or catches fire. We’ve all heard about it more then once. In most cases there are not many witnesses, but in this case there were many people witnessing the melting iPhone. » iPhone Melts At Party

Dec 05


iTunes is a wonderful iPod manager and media center, but its one-way computer to iPod functioning is an important limitation whenever an iPod to computer transfer is necessary. Introducing CopyTrans 4. » UPDATE: GIVEAWAY: 10 CopyTrans Licenses!

Nov 29

iPhone developer Pandav has informed MacRumors that they have spotted usage records for an unreleased iPhone in their app’s analytics. The app used was iBART [Free / Paid], a public transportation guide for the San Francisco train system.

» Apple Performs Field Tests iPhone 3,1

Nov 23

ipod touch cameraThe latest rumors about the iPod touch say that there will be a new version next spring. This time WITH a camera. » iPod touch With Camera Next Year?

Nov 10

ipodtouchI saw a video on YouTube showing a wall filled with iPods. There are 20 iPods on this wall all connected via Wi-Fi. All of them are running the same application at the same time. If you touch one of the iPods it affects all the other iPods. It becomes some kind of a chain reaction. For instance this reaction can be a sound or a picture.
» Watch A ‘Chainreaction’ On iPod Wall

Nov 05

ipod dockClick on the picture to see a larger version. What is it? An airplane? Well no, but it is big nonetheless. The little thing in the lower right corner is an iPod nano. The big ‘thing’ is called the Wall Of Sound and is meant to be a giant iPod-dock! » Something For Under Your Christmas Tree?

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