Nov 03

A friend of the creators of the Table Connect was lucky enough to be the first outsider to test their alpha firmware on the Table Connect for iPhone and they created a short movie to show their creation. You can connect an iPhone to a large touchscreen table “58-inch” that enables you to control everything just like on the phone, only much larger!

Jun 08


Apple has added three videos to their YouTube channel and on the official Apple website. Yesterday’s keynote was given by the one and only Steve Jobs. He seemed to be very energetic and also very happy about the announcement of the new iPhone 4. This keynote has now been posted online for your viewing pleasure. » Three Videos: Keynote, FaceTime And iPhone Intro

Apr 22

Today i came across this video that i would like to show you guys. In the video above you can see a compilation of Steve Jobs doing the Apple event in April 2010. In the keynote he is talking about uhmm… mmm… aaa… iPads… and… uumm… Apps… Well just watch the video above!

Mar 04

iphone screenrecorder previewScreenRecorder is a new App in the Cydia Store. This app records everything that is happening on you iPhone or iPod Touch screen. This app can be used to create demos or tutorials. To use this app you also need FFmpeg.

» ScreenRecorder: iDevice Screen Video Recorder [jailbreak]

Feb 08

qik-video camera previewQik Video Camera is an iPhone App that shoots 15fps videos which you can give video effects like, Mirror Effect, Black and White, Red Effect and even Avatar Effect. Qik Video Camera also gives you the option to share videos using Facebook, E-mail and SMS. » Qik Video Camera: iPhone Video Effects

Sep 22

appstore-40000“There’s an app for that” returns with three new ads. They are called Dine, Nature and Pass and show several apps selected from the 75,000 apps in the App Store so far.

» Three New Apple Ads: “Dine, Nature and Pass”

Apr 05

img_38012_iphone_videoSome developers were able to find more details of next iPhone from gettin deep into the beta firmware 3.0 which was release last week.

These developer got traces of next version iPhone being capable of higher wifi speeds by adding 802.11n support.

Also, they found that Apple could add video recording and uploading the video right from device with some reasonable editing on iPhone itself!

This could be true and we can expect lot more, and all could be real during this June WWDC 09 event.

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