Its only been a week since apple gave developers beta 1 of the iphone 2.1 firmware and now they have already released a second. The new version appears to have mainly bug fixes.
» Apple seeds second beta of iPhone 2.1 firmware to developers.
vWallpaper 0.92 & SkrewCommon 1.48 – iPhone video-ringtones
vWallpaper 0.92 and SkrewCommon 1.48 add a very cool new feature. vWallpaper now let’s you set videos as ringtones, much like videosTone. However this version doesn’t allow you to individually set personal videotones just yet… Another thing i noticed is the fact that you can’t run vWallPaper and VideosTone together on your iPhone. If you like skrews (free) apps like iToday and Ringtones, then i do recommend to not install VideosTone but keep using Skrew’s apps.
» vWallpaper 0.92 & SkrewCommon 1.48 – iPhone video-ringtones
iToday 0.6 & Skrew Common 1.45
Skrew released another update to his popular slide to unlock screen replacement. iToday 0.6 & Skrewcommon 1.45 have been released. iToday 0.6 now let’s you adjust the block order, enable/disable separate blocks and it adds a longer sleep delay.
» iToday 0.6 & Skrew Common 1.45
Firmware 2.0 – Safe erasing
The latest beta of Firmware2.0 will allow us to safely remove all settings and personal data. Apple has listened to it’s users and especially to Jonathan Zdziarski who created a special iPhone Forensics Toolkit that allowed for retrieval of personal data on the iPhone.
» Firmware 2.0 – Safe erasing
Kate (formely known as Caterpillar) is a set of tools for your iPhone that exist of separate modules. Each single module has its own features aimed to make your iPhone more productive and fun. Customization, business tools, quick contacts search, system font replacement and many more. Kate received a update to version 1.3.1. The prices for the app has remained the same. 20$ for 3 months, 35$ for 12 months and 45$ for unlimited use. The full changelog after the link.
» Kate 1.3.1 – Productivity tools for you iPhone
BossPrefs is a very handy utility that i would recommend to everybody. I allows you to activate services separately. For example, you can enable WiFi, BleuTooth, Edge, etc by flipping a switch in the application. There have been a lot of updates to BossPrefs in the last couple of days. The most significant changes are that it’s now possible to hide applications right from the BossPrefs as it includes Poof! the application also adds another icon Power, This will let you easily reboot, respring and shutdown your iPhone or iPod Touch. All in all a must have app for your iPhone!
» BossPrefss 1.73 -1.72 – Service activator for your iPhone
HandicApp is a new application that will allow you to easily set application permissions. This is very handy in some cases if you install aapplication manually. If the application or game doesn’t run from the first time it’s mostly cause of the permissons set to the app. HandicApp solves this problem by setting the permissions to 755. Handicapp has been removed from the community sources due to being to dangerous for your iPhone applications.
» HandicApp – Easy iPhone permission app