The iPhone controlled marble prototype is one of the many things that proves that the iPhone has no limits. It’s a small black rolling ball, that you can move around simply by tilting you iPhone to the direction you want. It also includes a monitor that can track its motion, this can be used to play games like golf and the ball will notify you when you reached the hole. Its also connected with Wi-Fi so the possibilities are endless. » GearBox Created A iPhone Controlled Marble Prototype
Mobile Vikings is introducing a “data only” SIM card that can be used for the iPad, iPhone or laptop including 1GB data during 1 month for just €12. This only includes data traffic “internet” so you cant make calls or send text messages. Its not a subscription but a prepaid SIM card that you can upgrade any time you would like. You can upgrade you SIM with €15 or €40. » Mobile Vikings Data SIM Card
A costumer of Apple asked Steve Jobs one simple question via e-mail “Is Apple supporting/updating the iPhone 2G in the Future?”, and ofcourse Steve Jobs gave one simple answer “Sorry, no.”. So this confirms Apple will no longer be offering updates to the original 2007 iPhone 2G, including OS 4.0. » No More Updates For iPhone 2G Owners? Steve Answers!
Geohot is an iPhone hacker and creator of blackra1n. Today he posted a movie showing an untethered jailbreak that supposed to work on all current tethered models, iPod touch G2, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch G3 and should probably also work on the iPad! We don’t know when this jailbreak will be available. (movie after the break). » Geohot Posted Movie Showing Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone, iPod and iPad! [jailbreak]
Almost 10.000 iPhones has been spotted in Microsoft’s network, this means almost 10.000 iPhones are used by Microsoft employees. In 2008 there were 89.809 Microsoft employees working in 105 countries, so about 10% of them uses an iPhone. (fun video presentation after the break).
The Sun and The Daily Mail has posted an article in their newspaper about a man who captured a ghost on a photo he shot with his iPhone. The 47 years old John Fores said he took a picture of an old school without knowing there was a young boy standing in front, when he looked back at his picture he noticed the ghost and decided to tell the news papers about it.
I came across a movie on FSM that I would like to show you guys. This movie shows that you can charge your iPhone with 2380 orange slices. Are you that eco friendly that you would buy that much orange slices? If you ask me i would say, It is much cheaper and easier to use a solar power charger, and it would be better to give the oranges to people that are in need for food. But anyway can check the movie after the break. » Charge Your iPhone With 2380 Orange Slices