Aug 12

youtube-logoSmartphones get smarter every day and more and more options are possible. The Internet is a huge part of the smartphone industry and combined with the camera most phones have, YouTube becomes popular every day as well. So YouTube has updated their mobile website this week. This newest version works perfectly fine with your iPhone. This has been done to optimize functions like watching favorites, sharings videos and logging in.

» New Mobile Version Of Youtube

Aug 12

SystemErrorRoger’s Wireless Web Page needs to explain a few things. We reported about the site two days ago. It seemed a new version of the iPhone 3GS would soon appear. But the 8GB iPhone will probably never come. The picture provided with our post showed a blue ‘V’ to mark the 8GB iPhone as a 3GS version, but it now seems to have been a system-error.

» It Seems 8GB iPhone 3GS Was System-error

Aug 11

iphone3GS_heat_3201-200x300First a car fire because of an iPhone, then a exploding iPod Touch in the garden of an 11 year old girl, and now another exploding device. This time it’s the iPhone that exploded. A boy wanted to take a closer look at the iPhone of his girlfriend, but it ended up being a nasty experience. The iPhone exploded in his hands and pieces of glass flew in his eyes. The worried mother didn’t wait, and immediately called the Consumer Service of Apple.

» iPhone Explodes In Face

Aug 11

scratch-input-harrisonOn, an article appeared talking about a new way to answer the phone. Scratching seems to be the new way to navigate your iPhone. “The sound of a fingernail raking across a table or a board may be enough to drive most people crazy. But get past that annoyance and it could become a way to answer your phone, silence a call or turn up the volume.” says.

» New Way To Navigate Your iPhone: Scratching?

Aug 10


It seems the iPhonw 3GS will soon be available in  another flavour: the 8GB version. Right now only one 8GB version of the iPhone is available: the iPhone 3G. But according to Roger’s Wireless Web Page, the 8GB model of the iPhone 3GS will be in stores soon. The “iPhone Comparison” tab on Rogers’ iPhone 3GS page contains a chart (picture above) listing the features of the iPhone 3G and 3GS, noting near the bottom that the 3GS is available in 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB capacities.

» 8GB iPhone 3GS Appears On Roger Canada

Aug 09

MMS_NewGamingExperience_iPhone3GS_r7_c2There are many, many, many apps. Most of them run on all the different iPod Touch and iPhone versions. But slowly a new branch is being formed: games specifically designed for the iPhone 3GS. The company Mad Monkey Studios promises to build games only for the iPhone 3GS. They want to take advantage of the better graphics processor and other features only the 3GS has. And they present a video in which they show the processor speed of the 3GS versus the 3G. It’s pretty clear (and to no surprise), that the framerate of the iPhone 3GS is much higher compared with the 3G.

» Mad Monkey Studios, Building Games Only For iPhone 3GS

Aug 04

MobileMe users can use the beautiful and handy feature called ‘Find My iPhone’. Don’t know where you left your iPhone? ‘Find My iPhone’ show the location of the iPhone on a Google Maps map. But the feature also comes in handy when your iPhone is stolen. This happened to Sanjay. Together with his wife, he did some detective stuff and quickly found the thief and his iPhone.

» Become A Detective With ‘Find My iPhone’

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