Mar 22

Reuters relays a South Korean newspaper’s claims that the next iPhone will get a larger screen. Nothing really new about that, but it is surprising to hear the screen will be a 4.6-inch display. Rather persistent rumors have suggested the next iPhone would definitely get a larger display, but more in the 4″ range. A 4.6″ screen would be significantly larger. » New Rumor Suggests Next iPhone Will Get 4.6″ Screen

Mar 20

Free games with ads need more power form the battery than games without ads. A new study by IT scientist, Abhinav Pathak, from Purdue University proofs this. At least 75% of the energy needs of an app are used for downloading ads and collecting user data.

» Battery drains faster with games and apps with ads

Mar 15

Surprisingly the iPhone 4s is the most successful mobile phone in Japan. Why surprisingly? Well Japan is not known for their love for foreign high-tech products. In 2009 the very well-known magazine Wired stated this as the main reason why the iPhone didn’t become a success there. Somehow the iPhone suddenly became the best selling phone in the country.

» iPhone 4S has become best selling mobile phone in Japan

Feb 14

9to5mac reported that AT&T is giving away 1000 free minutes to all iPhone users who are sticking with them. Some AT&T iPhone users received a message telling them to text the word “yes” to 11113020 to receive 1000 free rollover minutes. “There was some concern it was a scam but we’ve now verified it with AT&T – It’s legit.” » AT&T Giving Out 1000 Free Minutes To All Customers

Nov 03

A friend of the creators of the Table Connect was lucky enough to be the first outsider to test their alpha firmware on the Table Connect for iPhone and they created a short movie to show their creation. You can connect an iPhone to a large touchscreen table “58-inch” that enables you to control everything just like on the phone, only much larger!

Aug 18

Here is a fun movie where Justin Long is showing of one of his text conversations in the Jimmy Kimmel live show. Although the text conversation is pretty hilarious, you can also see that he has Cydia installed on his iPhone, that means his iPhone is jailbroken. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore since the ad campaign is already over. Watch the movie after the break, its pretty hilarious. » Justin Long, Uses Jailbroken iPhone On Jimmy Kimmel Show

Aug 17

iphone-crashLately there are a lot of problems in the iDevice world, take the iPhone 3GS for example. If you have iOS 4 installed, you maybe already noticed that it isn’t working as it supposed to be. A lot of iPhone 3GS devices with firmware iOS 4, will execute a reset while making phone calls “mostly when the phone call is longer than 5 minutes”. It looks like the issue is caused by multitasking. To prevent you iDevice from rebooting automatically, you can try to turn of all the applications that have multitasking enabled. You can read about it on the Apple Discussion Forum. » iPhone 3GS With iOS 4 Automatically Reboots When Making Phone Calls

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