Jul 07

Erick Castro, our iSlsk developer released a preview of a upcoming application that he is going to release. MobileKaraoke connects to an online database to get the lyrics of the current playing song. Some key features: Lyrics synchronizing (verses get highlighted as they are sang in the song), as well as support for non-synced lyrics. lyric uploading, allowing everyone to make their own synced lyrics and help the database grow, allowing others to get and enjoy them.
» MobileKaraoke (preview video)

Jun 21

Raijin and Fujin are 2 DJ player scratch tools made for the iPhone and iPod Touch that will be available in the appstore soon. Both of the dj tools have the same functionality except for the placement of the buttons, this will make it easier if you want to place them next to your mixer. The apps have a tapcounter, JogDial, cue button, playtimer window and a pitch control. They also have a BPM display that will be active when the tapcounter is activated.
» AppStore – DJ scratch tools Raijin and Fujin for the iPhone

May 24

IR-909 the roland drum machine clone got another update today.
Beta 3 includes some extra drum machine samples, including TR-606, TR-707, TR-808, TR-909, Karv, and Techhouse.
The app is really getting fantastic.
Another new feature is the possibility to add your own samples on the directory /Applications/IR-909.app/Samples
I wonder what some musical inspired people will be able to do with this app once they get used to it.
If you are a music maker, please send in your video and i will publicly make it available on iPhoneFreakz.
» IR-909 1.0 beta 3

May 20

IR 909 the roland drum machine clone got updated yesterday.

It now includes some cool extra features.

– the ability to change pitch (pitch, rnd, rnd-amt)

-Volume (gain, attack, lenght)

The official developers page can be found here.

» IR 909 10.b2

May 17

IR-909 is a drum machine that let’s us create rhythms.

The app features a 16-step sequencer, 8 different sounds, 4 patterns, the possibility to adjust the BPM and setup a random shuffle.

This is a nice addon to the MooCowMusic Band app. My guess is that iBand is going to get some competitors really soon with all these music instruments.
» IR-909 a Roland drum machine clone

May 15

SynchStep is a cool new little app.

The app plays songs from your music library that match your walking pace.
Every step you take lands in-time with a drum hit, a bass pluck or a piano chord.
So the next time you’d like to walk around like John Travolta with some Bee Gees music, use SynchStep :)
» SynchStep plays music on the rhythm of your steps

May 12

Some new instruments for MooCowMusic band popped up in the installer.
Please remember to not install all instruments on your iPhone.
There are quite some people who are experiencing problems when you install too many instruments.
The new instruments are EP, Congas, and Bongos.

I will show you some screenshots of the new instruments.
» New instruments for MooCowMusic Band

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