Nov 04

Skyfire is a browser that can play flash video by converting Flash video to HTML5 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and turned out to be very popular. It actually is so successful that the developers decided to remove it from the App Store. Just five hours after Skyfire came available in the App Store, Skyfire became the top grossing app and the third highest paid app overall. » Skyfire, iPhone Browser With Flash Sold Out!

Nov 03

Skyfire is a browser that can play flash video by converting Flash video to HTML5 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users. Skyfire was already submitted to the App Store a long time ago and most of you probably forgot about it, but we have good news. Skyfire has been approved and will be available for download at 9 a.m. Eastern on Thursday for $2.99. » Skyfire Approved By Apple, iPhone Browser With Flash!

Oct 25

VLC is a open source multimedia player available for the desktops and the iPad. Now VLC is also available as iPhone application, which you can get for free. VLC will run on the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and the recent iPod touches and is able to recognize most of the video files. You can also delete files from your iDevice in the VLC application itself without having to connect with iTunes. You can download the VLC Media Player iPhone app for free in the app store.

Oct 25


One of the great things about the iPhone is that it manages your calendars. You can bring together all your calendars, MobileMe, Gmail, iCal and Entourage alike. One of the less than stellar aspects of the iPhone is the notifications of said calendars. Darth Jobs has chosen not to allow a snooze function on the iPhone. You have to set up multiple reminders in your calendar to gain that functionality.  While that is an option, it’s very un-Apple like in terms of usability. Thankfully, he allows others to bridge that gap (at a price). Maybe he is smarter than I give him credit for. He is, after all, the CEO of two multi-billion dollar companies, where I am just some poor schlep who critiques the hard work of others. So what do I know? I’ll tell you. Give in to the brilliance of Master Jobs and spend the 99 cents to get Calendar Alarm. It’s the full featured calendar application Apple should have delivered. » App Review: Calendar Alarm

Oct 19

A forum member over at spotted a key in a FaceTime property list “called AllowsMultipleConnections” which is set to ‘false’ by default, but setting it to ‘true’ will probably enable multiple FaceTime connections at ones which can be used for Video Group Chat. » Video Group Chat Coming For FaceTime?

Oct 14


With the economy the way it is, many folks are choosing not to travel. The great thing about the world in which we live, the Internet can bridge the gap between one’s desire to travel and the reality of not being able to. From Google Earth to Wikipedia you can cruise the world from the comfort of your bathrobe in your mothers basement. And now with ‘What Country’, you now have the ability to travel the world in the palm of your hand. Well sort of. The idea has potential. You can view the world country by country through a series of pictures and entertaining facts. The problem with this app lies with the execution. I found the app to be boring, cliche and lazy.

» App Review: What Country

Oct 07


You know you have been there. You are standing in line at the grocery store listening to iPod on your iPhone and inexplicably Marvin Gaye’s ‘Lets get it on’ pops up next on the shuffle. You think to yourself, “Oh snap, I just found my honey’s new ringtone!” Here are your options. Go through the laborious process of creating the ringtone when you get home. The problem is you will most likely forget that brilliant idea by the time you get there. Option 2 is purchase the ringtone directly from the iTunes Music Store. In doing so however, you just purchased a 30 second snippet of a song that you already own. Option 3, and frankly the best option in my humble little opinion, is to use that same 99 cents and get the Best Ringtone Maker app for your iPhone. Uhhh… Lets see, 99 cents for a 30 second snippet of a song that I already own? or 99 cents for an application that I can use to turn any song (as long as its DRM free) in my iPhone into a ringtone… yeah tough choice I know… go with the Best Ringtone Maker. » App Review: Best Ringtone Maker

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