Dec 13

Instapaper has been named App of the Week and is now available for free for the first time since its release back in 2010. Instapaper is the simplest way to save and store articles for reading: offline, on-the-go, anytime, anywhere, perfectly formatted. Instapaper for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch provides a mobile-optimized Text view that makes reading Internet content a clean and uncluttered experience. » App of the Week ‘Instapaper’ Now Available for Free
Dec 11

The Twitter application for iOS has been updated to version 6.0. The update adds a new design and navigation bar with new icons for easier access to DMs. The Discover feed, can now be accessed along with the Activity feed by swiping in Timelines. The update also allows you to send and receive photos via Direct Message and brings some improvements in the notification options en search results. » Twitter App Updated With New Design, Image Sharing via DMs and More
Dec 10

Apple has released the “12 Days of Gifts” app for the iPhone and iPad. 12 Days of Gifts is an app that allows you to download one free app, song or movie everyday for 12 days from December 26 through January 6. Apple has offered the giveaway for several years in Europe, Canada, and several other countries, and in 2013 U.S. customers will have access for the first time. » 12 Days of Gifts Now Available In App Store Includes U.S. Customers
Dec 04

The special thing about the iPhone or iPod, it’s the huge number of apps and games that are available for this amazing device. They can even include having to shake or tilt your iPhone or iPod. One of the games you can play on your smartphone is poker.
The next time you get together with friends for some texas hold’em, tell them to bring their iPhones. 888 Poker uses your iPhone or iPod touch and iPad and turns them into a deck of cards.
Do you have any iPhone fanatics in the house? 888 Poker allows you to use one device for each card dealt — just in case you have a crop of iPhones laying around or want to put your old iPhones to use.
So tell your friends that you play 888 poker on your smartphone, and in no time they will all be hooked like you!
Dec 04

Shazam for iOS was updated to version 7.2.0 to add Rdio integration, improved sharing of Shazam tags via email and various fixes. Shazam is the populair app that recognizes music and media playing around you. Tap the Shazam button to instantly match, and then explore, buy and share.Check out the full change log after the break. » Shazam Gets Updated With Rdio Integration
Dec 03

Whatsapp Messenger for iOS received an update with an iOS 7 inspired “flat” redesign. In addition, the app has also been updated with Broadcast Lists, an improved interface for managing blocked contacts and more. » WhatsApp Gets Update With iOS 7 Redesign
Nov 22

Dropbox 3.0 has been released in the App Store, adding a complete iOS 7-style redesign. Dropbox 3.0 features a new app icon and a simple white iOS 7 style layout, which is designed by Tim Van Damme, who left Instagram to join the Dropbox design team. » Dropbox 3.0 Now Available With iOS 7 Redesign