Jun 10

Do you remember the Apple Product Announcement Scene and the Steve Jobs Cube Paper Doll? Well there is a new DIY that you can add to your collection, the Paper iPhone 4. Simple
download the iPhone 4 template, print it, cut, paste and you are done. » DIY: Paper iPhone 4

Jun 09

iphone 4 camera photo
We all know by now that the new iPhone (4) includes a 5MP camera with a backside illuminated sensor. Thanks to this sensor its possible to shoot incredible low light details. As proof Apple is showing off some of the images shot with the iPhone 4 on Apple’s website and I have to say they look amazing. Of course they shot the pictures in ideal conditions, but still I am not sure if there is a other phone out there that can shoot this kind of images. Just look for yourself on Apple’s Website and you would understand what I mean.

Jun 08


Apple has added three videos to their YouTube channel and on the official Apple website. Yesterday’s keynote was given by the one and only Steve Jobs. He seemed to be very energetic and also very happy about the announcement of the new iPhone 4. This keynote has now been posted online for your viewing pleasure. » Three Videos: Keynote, FaceTime And iPhone Intro

Jun 08

iPhone 4 Banner

Today’s keynote started at 10 a.m. at the Moscone Center to kick-off the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC). Steve Jobs presented the new iPhone after first announcing some numbers about sales of the iPhone, the iPod touch and the iPad. The thing where people came for is ofcourse the iPhone. As is tradition lately, every year, somewhere in June, Apple shows us a new version of the iPhone. This year they introduce the iPhone 4.

» iPhone 4 Is A Fact!

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