Aug 03

iOS 4.1 Beta 3
Only 5 days after Apple released iOS 4.1 Beta 2, Apple already released Beta 3 for developers. There is not much known about new features in this new Beta, all we know now is that there is actually something removed. The Game Center isn’t any longer available in the older iDevices “iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G”, probably because of some performance issues. The reason Apple released Beta 3 only 5 days after the release of Beta 2 can be that Apple is almost ready to release iOS 4.1 to the public very soon.

Aug 03

We told you about two days ago, which is a website that can jailbreak any iDevice remotely, simple by sliding the “slide to jailbreak” button. So why not use it to have a little bit of fun in the Apple Store, well Mk321024 was thinking the same and decided to go to the Apple Store and jailbreak the Apple Store display iPhone. Take a look at the video above.

Aug 02

FaceTime is only possible over Wi-Fi because Apple and AT&T didn’t allow us to make FaceTime calls over 3G network. But thanks to My3G we now can make FaceTime calls over 3G network. My3G makes apps believe that they are on WiFi instead of 3G, thanks to this little tweak the FaceTime app also thinks you are connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot while you actually use your 3G network. This way you can make FaceTime calls anytime you want and you are not depended to Wi-Fi hotpots anymore. You can get My3G in the Cydia store via the ModMyi repo.

Aug 01


Good news, comex released a jailbreak for all iDevices running iOS FW 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 4.0, 4.0.1 and iPad 3.2.1. It is a web-based jailbreak and its probably the most easy jailbreak method ever. All you have to do is go to, “slide to jailbreak” and you are done. Now your iDevice will be jailbroken remotely. Unfortunately the servers have some trouble with all the traffic right now, so you may experience some problems while trying to jailbreak using

Aug 01

Some good news from planetbeing today, he created a unlock for the iPhone 4 and will be holding a test period of 48 hours. If everything works like planned, a unlock for the iPhone 4 will be released after the test period. It is already working, but planetbeing just need to do some finishing touches. We will let you know when planetbeing released the iPhone 4 unlock.

Jul 29

With the iPhone 4 right around the corner its time for some price comparison. The Italian website SetteB.IT created a summary of all the known iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 prices including 17 different countries (click here for full version). It turned out the cheapest place to purchase your iPhone is Hong Kong with prices from €406 till €585 and the most expansive is Italy with prices between €539 and €779 “without taxes”. There are no prices known in Germany, Japan, Vs and the Netherlands because they only sell the iPhone together with a contract.

Jul 27

Above you can see a speed comparison between the last 4 iPhone models to show you how much the iPhone has been improved in the last couple of years. The iPhone 2G is running on firmware 3.1.3, the 3G on 3.1.2, the 3GS 4.01 and the iPhone 4 was running 4.0.

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