Jun 14

Sometimes there are gadgets for our iDevices that makes you think, “why?”. Like the USB typewriter, a handmade typewriter created by Jack Zylkin that you connect to your iPad via USB. They are all different and you can even send your own typewriter and have it made USB compatible. The price varies between $400 and $500 or $75 for a do-it-yourself kit. That’s a lot of money for a keyboard that you plug in a device that you bought because of the touch screen, so this is only for the real old school lovers. » USB Typewriter For The iPad

Jun 14

iPad mugging victim
At the WWDC10 Apple invited a Chinese developer from TenCent, China’s most popular instant messaging client. Unfortunately he got mugged in San Francisco for his iPad and escaped with a few injuries, including a broken rib and a smashed iPad. So he went to the Apple store to get it repaired but the Apple genius felt sorry for the guy and decided to give Stone a new iPad. Meanwhile Steve wrote a little “Steve style” email wishing him ”Safe travels home”. Pics after the break… » Chinese Developer Mugged, Steve Shows Concern

Jun 13

Two weeks ago I told you about SmokeScreen, which is a solution for playing flash files on the iDevices by converting Flash to JavaScript/HTML5. Artefact has created a different solution for playing flash on the iPad, he calls it, Flash In a Pinch. The Flash In a Pinch concept is still not very fast and there is no sound yet, but it’s a great start. » Flash In a Pinch: Brings Flash To The iPad!

Jun 12

A Walking iPad!

iPadNo Comments »      Chris Eissens

Ok, I don’t know why you need a walking iPad, but Kazu Terasak thinks its cool. Kazu Terasak already created a walking iPhone and now decided to do the same with the iPad. There are not much details available other than the movie above but maybe we can turn the iPad in a talking Furby some day….

Jun 10

Some “Dudes who like porn” don’t like the way Steve Jobs doesn’t allow Flash on the iPad so porn movies cant be played on the iPad. Because of this the “Dudes who like porn” decided to make fun of Steve at the WWDC10 two days ago. They sent Steve an email and made some minor changes on the iPad signs outside the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2010. Email and pictures after the break. » Porn iPad Prank At WWDC10

Jun 01

Steve did it again, Apple announced today that they have sold 2 million iPads in under 60 days. It took only 28 days to sell the first million, and an other month to sell the second million. The iPad passed the 1 million sales milestone faster than the iPhone did. And with the international sales just getting started, “RBC Capital Markets has estimated iPad‘s total shipments to reach 8.13 million units worldwide by the end of the year — which would translate into at least $4 billion of revenue.” But with the 4th-generation iPhone coming this month there is a chance the iPad sales will slow down.

May 29

China the iPed
China did it again, they created a knockoff of a Apple product. The iPad finally goes on sale in Japan, but the iPad is not the only gadget they showed on the news. They also the iPed! The iPed is a cheap Apple iPad lookalike, its only a little heavier than the Apple iPad and runs on Android. But the best thing of all is the price, it only costs ¥9,600 (US$105 or €85), that 5 times cheaper than the iPad. Video and Pictures after the break. » Cant Afford A iPad? Buy A iPed!

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