Two weeks after iOS 7 Beta 1, Apple released iOS 7 Beta 2 to developers that is available through Apple’s over-the-air updating system and the iOS Dev Center. iOS 7 will not be available to normal users till the official release in the fall of this year. Beta 1 was only available for the iPhone and iPod Touch, but Beta 2 is available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini. » Apple Released iOS 7 Beta 2 To Developers With iPad Support
Apple did not receive iOS 7 for the iPad yet, so we do not know how iOS 7 will look like on a larger screen. However, a Russia-based YouTube user Rozetked, has released a video of what he claims is iOS 7 “alpha” running on an iPad. It is now known how this user got iOS 7 on his iPad, so we can not say for sure that this is the real deal. In the video after the break you can see the Notification Center “that lacks the flash light button found on iOS 7 for the iPhone” and some apps including Music and Videos. » Video Shows iOS 7 Running on an iPad?
Leaked Image Suggests “Voice Memo” Will Return in Future iOS 7 Beta Release
In the current iOS 7 Beta 1, there is no Voice Memo app, however a leaked image from a WWDC developer session is making the rounds, showing that the Voice Memo app will make an appearance in a future release. The Beta 1 release note also notes “Voice Memos – Known Issues: The VoiceMemos app is not available in this seed.“, suggesting that Voice Memo should be in there or will be in there in a later Beta version. » Leaked Image Suggests “Voice Memo” Will Return in Future iOS 7 Beta Release
Steve Wozniak on iOS 7: “I Think I Like All The Visual Stuff Better Than Before” [video]
The guys at FayerWayer bumped into Steve Wozniak and asked him to comment on the newly announced iOS 7 and especially the UI changes in the upcoming iOS. His response ” I think I like all the visual stuff better than before”. Check out the video after the break.
» Steve Wozniak on iOS 7: “I Think I Like All The Visual Stuff Better Than Before”
iOS 6 vs iOS 7 Side-By-Side Comparison
Some people love it and some people hate it, Apple’s upcoming iOS 7 update designed by Jony Ive. But just how different is the “flat” design of iOS 7 compared to the software we’re running now? Jump over the break to see for yourself in this side-by-side gallery. » iOS 6 vs iOS 7 Side-By-Side Comparison
The biggest thing practically everyone was waiting for during the WWDC 2013 keynote was iOS 7. Apple previewed the newest version of its mobile operation system and showed the audience the new look and many new features. Jony Ive is not only good at designing hardware, he has now proven he can perform the same trick with software as well. The standing ovation was well deserved.
New Interactive HTML5 iOS 7 Mock-Up
Ahead of WWDC13, developer Steve King gives us a ‘first look’ at what a redesigned iOS 7 with flatter, less skeuomorphic design elements would really look like. King’s mockup is all done in HTML, CSS and Javascript, meaning it’s fully interactive in any browser. » New Interactive HTML5 iOS 7 Mock-Up