Nov 14

Grill Competition-iPhone-Android G2-HTC Surround
Some people are a little bit crazy, want to know everything and have to much money to spend. Like the guys in the video after the break, they just want to know what Smartphone can handle the most heat. They decided to hold a competition to see which of the three popular Smartphone’s “iPhone, Android G2 and HTC Surround” can hold up the longest to a barbecue flame. Check after the break for the video. » Grill Competition: iPhone vs. Android G2 vs. HTC Surround

Oct 28

Halloween is coming, the time when creative people create some amazing and unique costumes like the kid in the video above. He created a iPhone 4 costume with a real 40 inch LED LCD panel and a back camera LED light connected to his iPhone 4 via VGA out, which makes it look like a real 40 inch iPhone.

Oct 13

What…? A movie trailer about the iPhone hacker GeoHot? Yea that’s right, in this “fan-made” trailer you can see all kinds of fragments of GeoHot showing op in the media. It also shows GeoHot’s personality by adding some fake scenes of GeoHot being a grumpy dude. Between those scenes you see some fragments of Steve Jobs.

Sep 24

Do you remember the movie of the dancing iPhone 4 and iPad? Well PachimonDotCom did it again but this time he used the 6th gen iPod Nano. You cant install any application on the iPod Nano because its not running on iOS. So to get the same effect as the other iDevices he decided to create a view gif images and let them play in a slide show, this way it has the same robot effect as the other devices. Check out the iPhone 4 and iPad version after the break. » Dancing iPhone, iPad and iPod Nano

Sep 21

Learn how to create a very cheap and easy iPad stylus out of the wrapper of a Clif Builder Bar, your teacher is Walt Mosspuppet. Good luck!

Sep 18

We told you about the ninja incident Steve had back on the airport in Japan. But it turns out that Steve Jobs isn’t a secret ninja after all. The ninja stars found in Steve Jobs bag turned out to be top-secret Apple prototypes of the iPod Ninja. Apple just announced their latest creation for their new 2010 iPod family, its called the “dangerously cool” iPod ninja. » Steve Jobs Airport Ninja Incident Turns Out To Be The iPod Ninja!

Aug 18

Here is a fun movie where Justin Long is showing of one of his text conversations in the Jimmy Kimmel live show. Although the text conversation is pretty hilarious, you can also see that he has Cydia installed on his iPhone, that means his iPhone is jailbroken. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore since the ad campaign is already over. Watch the movie after the break, its pretty hilarious. » Justin Long, Uses Jailbroken iPhone On Jimmy Kimmel Show

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