Jan 20

There is a new tweak available in the Cydia Store, that adapts your Music app’s GUI to the current song’s album art as seen in the screenshots above. The tweak is called Colorize and is available for $0.99 via the BigBoss repo. Check out the video after the break to see Colorize in action. » Colorize: Change iOS 7 Music.app UI to Color Match The Album Artwork [jailbreak]

Jan 14

SpiritOfLogic, the people behind iRealSMS, PhotoAlbums+ and PwnTunes, released a new Cydia tweak called iTouchSecure. With iTouchSecure you won’t have to type in a single password more than once anymore. Once it recognised a password and stored it securely in the keychain, every time you click that same password entry and authenticate via Touch ID the password will be autofilled in. This works everywhere! AppStore, Facebook app, Safari, on websites and any other app. For more details, check out the video after the break.

» iTouchSecure Lets You Autofill Passwords Using Your iPhone 5s Touch ID

Jan 08

Russian designer Nico Achkasov takes iOS 7 to the next level, and presents us with a polished iOS 8 “Infinity” concept which will also be available as a free Cydia theme in the near future.

After iOS 7 was announced, a lot of people started criticizing its icons. And suddenly every person is a designer, and in some ways even better than Apple. Though not everyone spent some time thinking about the actual design.

iOS 8 Infinity is a project to show Apple what we’d really want the icons to look like in their upcoming iOS release. It took over 3 months to complete this project and it is really beautiful. Unlike Apple, iOS 8 Infinity icons do follow the grid system and a specific color palette. They are consistent and harmonious.

This project shows what we really believe Apple is capable of. And together we’re asking Apple to rethink their iOS icon design. And we have a clear representation of what we want them to achieve.

iOS 8 Infinity is also going to be available as a WinterBoard theme on Cydia for free.

Check out the concept after the break. » iOS 8 Infinity Concept & Future Cydia Theme

Jan 04

AppLocker is a Jailbreak tool that is allowing users to lock individual apps with a password. With iOS 7 and an iPhone 5s, AppLocker is able to lock and unlock apps using Touch ID’s fingerprint recognition capabilities, as shown in the video above. » AppLocker: Locks Individual Apps With Touch ID [jailbreak]

Dec 30

Swipey is an upcoming Cydia tweak that will allow you to swipe left and right on the lockscreen to get to your favorite apps. Swipey will be available for $1.99 on the Cydia Store in the upcoming days. Check out a demo video of Swipey after the break. » Swipey: Upcoming Cydia Tweak

Dec 28

Limneos released a video today to showcase his upcoming tweak for the iPhone 5s and iOS 7. The tweak will allow you to ‘bio-protect’ your apps and allow them to launch only if you authenticate using the Touch ID. Check out the video after the break. » Video Of iPhone 5s Touch Identification Tweak

Dec 27

cydia iOS 7
For those who did not yet notice, Cydia “an app store for jailbroken iOS devices” has received a new update. This update brings a new flat look, bright colors and translucent overlays in line with iOS 7. This comes just after the Evasi0n team released a jailbreak for iOS 7. The Cydia app icon however has not yet been updated to an iOS 7 look. A video of the new Cydia can be seen after the break. » Jailbreak App Cydia Updated With iOS 7 Design

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