Nov 08

Boombotix, which is a speaker manufactory has created a new Kickstarter project, called Boombotix Sync. This app is designed to allow people to synchronize their music across multiple devices (and multiple Bluetooth speakers) using just a mobile network.

Boombotix Sync is a mobile app that synchronizes music across multiple devices over a mobile network. This new technology unlocks the potential for peer-to-peer mobile surround sound and shared listening. Whether you’re orchestrating a mobile flash mob or riding on the bus with a friend discretely jamming out on your headphones, this app enables us to enjoy music together wirelessly no matter where we are.

There are 4 modes built into this app. With DJ Mode you can create a playlist to stream to your listeners, in Listen Mode you can sync up with any DJ and get a live stream on your device, Nearby DJs will show you the distance of other DJs so that you can join their channel, and Invisible mode.

Check out the full details of this Kickstarter project here.

via [macrumors]

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