Oct 01
Pod2g At JailbreakCon, Said That There Is No iOS 6 Jailbreak
Cydia / Jailbreak, iOS 6
Add comments Chris Eissens
The iOS hacker pod2g took the stage at JailbreakCon this weekend, where he explained how he came up with Absinthe, his iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak. But the question that was on everybody’s mind was “when are you coming up with an iOS 6 jailbreak”.
As pod2g explained to iDB, the iOS 6 jailbreak that Chpwn teased us with last week is merely a start, and is still far away from turning into an actual, usable jailbreak. But pod2g talked with other iOS hackers such as PlanetBeing and said that “there is a slim chance that they might start working hard on this jailbreak and may have something to base their research on in the near future.“
Source [iDB]
\\ tags: apple, hack, iOS6, jailbreak, JailbreakCon, PlanetBeing, pod2g