Apr 02

Good news for Developers, Apple just changed the payout rate from iAds to developers from 60% to 70%,which means 10% more income for iOS developers.

We have made the following changes to the Developer Advertising Services Agreement for the iAd Network, effective immediately. – The revenue share for the iAd Network is now 70% to the Developer.

This has already been noted in the iAd developer documentation for the last 1 or 2 months and since April 1 developers will earn 70% from all iAds income, to compromise the poor fill Rate that developers experience with iAds.

The extra money will compensate for lower ad rates and serve as added incentive for developers to build businesses on Apple devices, even though they may grab a bigger audience or more ad revenue creating apps for Google’s Android devices, which now outnumber Apple smartphones in the U.S.

Source [macrumors]

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