Mar 21

Many reports about the new iPad claim that the iPad gets warmer than the iPad 2. Consumer Reports found their third generation iPad reached temperatures up to 116 degrees Fahrenheit after running Infinity Blade 2 for 45 minutes. The extra heat is caused by the more powerful A5X chip processing the Retina Display of the device, and the battery providing the energy the screen and the processor need. An interesting observation is the fact that the new iPad didn’t even charge while playing Infinity Blade 2. It seems the iPad is unable to provide power for running the game and charging the battery at the same time. Statements from Consumer Reports and Apple after the break.

Consumer Reports says: 

We ran our test while the new iPad was propped on the iPad Smart Cover, plugged in, and after it had run Infinity Blade II uninterrupted for about 45 minutes. The device’s 4G connection was not turned on, though its Wi-fi link was. The ambient room temperature was about 72 degrees. (Apple recommends not using the iPad in environments over 95 degrees.) 

When unplugged, the back of the new iPad reached temperatures as high as 113 degrees Fahrenheit. It was only when plugged in that it hit 116 degrees. The hottest areas weren’t evenly distributed throughout the iPad’s back, but were concentrated near one corner of the display as shown in the images taken from the rear of the device above.

Apple posted their own statement regarding the higher temperatures:

The new iPad delivers a stunning Retina display, A5X chip, support for 4G LTE plus 10 hours of battery life, all while operating well within our thermal specifications. If customers have any concerns they should contact AppleCare.

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