Rumor: Siri Will Speak Mandarin Chinese, Japanese And Russian In March

Till now you can only make use of Siri when you can speak English, Frans or German. But according to the latest rumors Apple will update Siri to support more languages. The official Siri FAQ from the onset made it clear that in 2012: “Siri will support additional languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian, and Spanish.” According to todays article by Tech Asia, Mandarin-only support for the Chinese language could be released as early as next month.
According to the same report Apple will also teach Siri to speak Japanese and Russian.
The rumor also contends that the Chinese version will only support the standard Mandarin (aka: putonghua) Chinese, which would leave out Cantonese-speaking people, as well as some Taiwan folk who effectively speak in a different dialect. Plus, it alleges that Japanese and Russian will arrive next month as well.
Source [9to5mac]
\\ tags: chinese, iPhone 4S, japanese, Mandarin, march, russian, Siri