Apple Drops New iOS 5.0.1 For iPhone 4S & Ships Unencrypted With Easy Siri Port
FSM reported that Apple has released a new build 9A406 ( old build is 9A405 ) of iOS 5.0.1 for the iPhone 4S, but Apple did not announed this update. Why? Well it turns out that this new build of iOS 5.0.1 ships unencrypted and wide open for inspection, allowing developers to easily grab all the Siri files they need for a port without piracy. Does this mean Apple want hackers to play more with porting Siri to older devices or is Apple planning to port Siri to older devices, even after Apple said Siri will not be available on iDevices other than the iPhone 4S?
We will keep you updated. One thing is for sure, Siri has already be ported to the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4G, and this new iOS 5.0.1 update will let more developers port Siri more easily to the other iDevices and when they do, we will keep you updated.
\\ tags: apple, developer, iOS 5.1, iPhone 4S, Siri, Siri Port, Unencrypted