Nov 03

Korea Games App Store
For nearly two years the game category in Korea had been blocked due to concerns from the Game Ratings Board about the content rating of games. But now it has finally been added to Koreas App Store. The block was an obstacle for many game developers and some even claimed that the government was holding back the game industry in a nation of gamers. Now that the category is open, competition is expected to heat up between mobile game developers, some who had already started preparing their products for the new market on news of the upcoming change.

Com2uS, a leading mobile developer, got its start in mobile gaming over a decade ago, in 1998. Based in Seoul, “we have been excited and anticipating the day when South Korea would be able to have its own iTunes App Store,” says Don Lim, Manager of Com2uS America. With games such as Slice It! and Tower Defense finding fans globally, it will be a welcome change of pace to be able to offer their games in the country in which they are made. To celebrate this they decided to lower their price of all their games to $0,99:

Com2uS Games 99c Korea

To celebrate, Com2uS is offering ALL their titles (except for free titles) for $0.99. “We are very excited about the Korean Game category in the iTunes App Store because we can finally make our games accessible to Korean users. We have prepared this event so all, but especially Korean, users can easily access our titles at a lower price,” Says Jiyoung Park, President of Com2uS. From November 2 to November 6, 2011, all of Com2uS non-free titles will be $0.99. Check out the lineup on the iTunes App Store here.

Source [nanoomi & Com2uS]

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