Oct 18

Motorola announced a new DROID RAZR Smartphone on their latest press conference and they are claiming this Smartphone is thinner than the iPhone 4S. In one way it looks like they are right, but they also say that the upper part housing the camera is not thinner. The phone is measuring just 7.1mm versus 9.3mm for the iPhone 4S, except the camera area. So what does this mean, is the iPhone 4S not the thinnest smathphone anymore, or can we still call the iPhone 4S the thinnest Smartphone to-date because a small part of the DROID RAZR Smartphone is thicker than the iPhone 4S. What do you think? You can find Specs and a video of this new Motorola Smartphone after the break.

“This 4G LTE handset driven by Android 2.3.5 features a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED display with an qHD resolution, a 1.2GHz dual-core processor with 1GB of RAM plus an eight-megapixel camera with 1080p video recording, 32 gigabytes of storage and Bluetooth 4.0.”

Source via [9to5mac]

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One Response to “Motorola Announced New RAZR: Thinner Than iPhone 4S Or Not?”

  1. Chris Says:

    NO. The RAZR is NOT thinner than the iPhone 4/4S. Make a slot 9.4mm thick. Which phone will pass through? The iPhone. Not the RAZR. End of story.

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