Oct 05
Are You A Fanboy? [infographic]
Everything Else, iPhone 4S
Add comments Chris Eissens
Last week we showed you part 1 of a survey done by mashable, asking iPhone users multiple question to create a 3 parts infographic. Today you can see part 2 of the infographic checking the Apple Fanboy Syndrome. The questions has been asked to 1,000 iPhone owners aged 18+ living in the U.S.
The result? A definitive diagnosis of Apple Fanboy Syndrome, which not only confirmed our suspicions, but showed us why these product launches get Apple fans so beside themselves with anticipation of the companys latest products.
Are you a fanboy?
Click the image for a bigger view.
Source [Mashable]
\\ tags: Android, apple, Fanboy, Infographic, iPhone, iPhone 4S, mashable, paidviewpoint