Cheaper iPhone 4 (N90A) Found In Brazil
Foxconn “the company that provides Apple parts” has opened a branch in Brazil some time ago, and the Brazilian brothers of Gizmodo sneaked inside to take some pictures of the upcoming iPhone that will be announced tomorrow. The pictures they took look very similar to the iPhone 4, but if you look closer you see a different model number, N90A. If this is the real deal it can indicate that this is a cheaper version of the iPhone 4, or Apple will announce the iPhone 4S instead of the iPhone 5. If Apple will announce the iPhone 4S it will be very disappointing, since we waited 1,5 year for the new iPhone. We will find out tomorrow. Check out the pictures after the break.
Source [Gizmodo]
\\ tags: apple, Brazil, foxconn, gizmodo, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4S, N90, N90A, pictures