Touchless User Interface For The iPad!
Elliptic Labs created a gadget for the iPad that allows you to control the iPad without touching the screen thanks to a touchless gesture technology. A small speaker kicks out some high frequencies, and a set of microphones listens in on the reflections, using an algorithim to calculate where your hand is at as you wave it through the air. This way you can slide your pictures over the screen or control your music. A movie of the gadget and more information can be found after the break.
Elliptic Labs is creating new and intuitive ways of interacting with computers. We want to bring the user closer to the device, focusing on the user experience when designing our solutions. By combining expert knowledge from multiple disciplines, such as signal processing, consumer research and interaction design, Elliptic Labs seeks to develop unique and human-centered interactions.
Source [tuaw]
\\ tags: Elliptic Labs, gesture technology, iPad, Touchless user interface