Jul 22

iPhone 3GS Signal Test, Apple: In our tests, iPhone 3GS dropped from 3 bars to 1 bar when held in a way that attenuated the signal.

After the break you can see 3 more videos that Apple just posted on YouTube. In these videos Apple  tested the “death grip” on 4 different Smartphone’s including the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Samsung Omnia II and the Nokia N97 Mini. With these videos they “proof” that other Smartphone’s got the same antenna issue as the iPhone 4.

iPhone 4

Apple: In our tests, iPhone 4 dropped from 3 bars to 1 bar when held in a way that attenuated the signal.

Samsung Omnia II

Apple: In our tests, the Samsung Omnia II dropped from 4 bars to 1 bar when held in a way that attenuated the signal.

Nokia N97 Mini

Apple: In our tests, the Nokia N97 mini dropped from 7 bars to 2 bars when held in a way that attenuated the signal.

Source [FSM]

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3 Responses to “Antenna Performance Test Between iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Samsung Omnia II & Nokia N97 Mini!”

  1. Dereko Says:

    NoPhone is perfect. You live and you learn it

  2. emiz Says:

    i tried more than ten timeswith my iphone 3gs and i cant reproduce what its shown on the video, fukin liers

  3. Mike Says:

    Will Consumer Reports not recommend these phones also?

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