Jun 10
Porn iPad Prank At WWDC10
Apple News, Humour, iPad
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Chris Eissens

Some “Dudes who like porn” don’t like the way Steve Jobs doesn’t allow Flash on the iPad so porn movies cant be played on the iPad. Because of this the “Dudes who like porn” decided to make fun of Steve at the WWDC10 two days ago. They sent Steve an email and made some minor changes on the iPad signs outside the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2010. Email and pictures after the break.
Dear Steve,
You don’t want people looking at vaginas on the tablet you named after a feminine hygiene product? Something smells fishy.
Dudes who like porn
Source [Freedom-From-Porn]
\\ tags: apple, Bill Gates, Dudes who like porn, freedom from porn, iPad, porn, Porn On The iPad, prank, Steve Jobs