Three Videos: Keynote, FaceTime And iPhone Intro

Apple has added three videos to their YouTube channel and on the official Apple website. Yesterday’s keynote was given by the one and only Steve Jobs. He seemed to be very energetic and also very happy about the announcement of the new iPhone 4. This keynote has now been posted online for your viewing pleasure.
You can watch the keynote video via the Apple website
The first video shows FaceTime. The new way of making video calls. With the 5 megapixel camera and the front-facing VGA camera it is now possible to make a call and switch to a video call with a simple tap. Another tap and you switch from the front camera to the 5 megapixel camera on the back. A beautiful way of showing yourself to your friends and family.
You can watch the FaceTime video via the Apple website
Or via their own YouTube channel
The video below shows the introduction of the iPhone 4. It’s the commercial shown at the end of the keynote and in the same style as the iPad commercial. We see several Apple employees talking about the new features of the iPhone. We also get to see how the stainless steel band of iPhone 4 was manufactured. And to proof how strong the Retina Display of the iPhone is, the video shows a test where the glass actually bends.
Source: iPadFreakz
\\ tags: apple, FaceTime, iPhone Intro, keynote, Steve Jobs, video's, wwdc