Jan 16

att-mms-logo1Responding to price cuts from Verizon, AT&T today rolled out new unlimited plans for all devices on its network, including the iPhone. Under the new plans taking effect on Monday, iPhone customers can sign up for unlimited voice and data for $99.99 per month, although texting packages remain separate for an additional fee. The unlimited voice and data plan represents a $30 discount from the previous unlimited plan for the iPhone.

“All smartphone customers, including iPhone customers, may now buy unlimited voice and data for $99.99. For smartphone customers with Family Talk plans (prices assume 2 smartphones), unlimited voice and data is now available for $179.99. Texting plans remain unchanged at $20 for unlimited plans for individuals, $30 for Family Talk Plans.”

Existing customers will be permitted to change to the new plans as of Monday via AT&T’s website, with no monetary penalty or extension to contract terms. It is unclear at this time whether there will be any adjustment to AT&T’s non-unlimited plans to reposition its pricing tiers in relation to the new, lower unlimited price.

From: MacRumors

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One Response to “AT&T Rolls Out Cheaper Unlimited Plans”

  1. Joe Says:

    I want a prepaid iPhone plan !!

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