Oct 28

google-maps-navigation-iphone-250x148Forbes claims Google is developing a navigation system for mobile phones, and that includes the iPhone. It will work with Google Maps, an app present on the iPhone since its launch. The system will offer routes and turn-by-turn navigation. The latter is a frequently asked feature says Carolyn Penner, spokesperson of Google. According to sources, Google is also planning to offer the application for free. This could be mean that there will be commercial banners in the system. The commercials will adapt to where the person is so advertisers can address people with specific information much easier.

Experts are saying that Google has enough information via their own satellites and Google Streetview that they don’t need their contract with TeleAtlas any more. The system will be available in the US only first but later Europe will be ably to use the software as well. However it is unclear when the system will be launched.

Source: Forbes

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