Sep 08

wordpress-logo-shine.thumbnailWordPress is developing the next release of their iPhone application; WordPress 1.4. Before the new update will be submitted to Apple, WordPress is looking for beta testers to be part of the fun and excitement and test the latest release of the new version.

If you are interested to be part of this release, you have to buzz WordPress right away through this site – WordPress for iPhone – as Apple only allows a total of 100 beta testers.

So if you want to be part of the beta test, act quick! Those who are accepted, will be contacted through email by WordPress.

The beta testing is needed to find bugs, to get feedback on the new user interface that has been developed and to look for the best ways to make the application more user friendly and useful to the WordPress communities.

Source: WordPress

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One Response to “WordPress In Need Of Beta Testers For Version 1.4”

  1. Mona Says:

    I love my IPHone.
    Sure, sign me up for the Beta Testing!

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