Aug 18

bug1There’s a bug found in the OS 3.0 software. It was found on the iPod Touch 2gen of someone with the YouTube account “Popplenrookie”. When you delete an email in your POP mail account and also delete it in the trash map, you can still find it by using the search option on the iPod Touch. It seems that POP mail accounts are not the only ones having this issue. IMAP has the same problem. Even if you delete the mail directly from the server, it still shows up on the search function of the iPod.

What if you delete a mail with sensitive information and someone is using search to find something and finds this so called ‘deleted’ mail? Other people can still read your private mail. That sounds to me like a huge security issue. So after watching the video below, I tried it myself. I went to my mail (Gmail) and deleted a mail and deleted it from the trash map. I slided to the left to go to the search function, typed in the name of the email and sure it found my ‘deleted’ mail. I have the iPhone 3GS.

So it doesn’t matter what device you are using. It is a bug in the OS 3.0 software.

Source: Gizmodo

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3 Responses to “OS 3.0 Mail Bug Found…Major Security Issue”

  1. frag Says:

    This is not something new, it’s funny seeing people are just noticing this.

    I’ve submitted this to Apple numerous times to be fixed. They’ve even sent me emails back telling me they’re aware of the problem and they’re working on a fix for it.

  2. seven77 Says:

    here come 3.0.2

  3. toNYc311 Says:

    lol man thats pretty messed up. What the hell Apple!!!!!

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