Mar 12

12902iBluetooth the application that allows file transfer from and to your iPhone via bluetooth has finally arrived to Cydia and is available via the iSapzio repository.

iBluetooth costs 3.99 euro and the funds raised from this will be used by MeDevil to purchase a complete bluetooth stack for a background daemon.

A full tutorial on how to transfer files from your iPhone using bluetooth can be found here.

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20 Responses to “Cydia – iBluetooth”

  1. gatillero911 Says:

    is there a way the i can listen tomusic on my iphone via bluetooth, i have a motorola wireless bluetooth headphones but it dosn’t pair with the ipod on my iphone

  2. Bishop Says:

    Dont buy this product.

    MeDevil stole the source code from the iBluetooth Project team, packaged it up and now is trying to flog it on as his own.

  3. Taranfx: Technology Blog » Blog Archive » Bluetooth file transfers now possible with iPhone Says:

    […] the application that allows file transfer from and to your iPhone via bluetooth has finally arrived to Cydia and is […]

  4. 14 Says:

    it seems like even if he did steal it he still put in some work of his own.

  5. Shabzz Says:

    I sent some stuff from my PC to my iphone by ibluetooth, but i can’t seem to find them.. any help please..

  6. shabs Says:

    I’ve tried files transfers from iPhone to other devices and other devices to iPhone. It works when the file is transfered to other devices from iPhone BUT cant make it work other way round. ?? any help

    I tried different scenarios … turned on the PIN aut. YES, i would say when file is sent to iPhone from other devices, it does ask for PIN and all sequence of process is done BUT it never sends that file ??

    help required …

    And also where should the files be saved as there is an option to enter the path where user wants to save them … wat is the default one ?

  7. jo Says:

    i dl ibluetooth off cydia but when i try to use it it says application cannot be opened………. why?!!!?!!?

  8. bry Says:

    Heys jo, i’ve got that same problem aswell, everytime i try to open it it says it cannot be opened.
    And one thing, how come my other friend can use it but i cant;.

  9. Bluetooth 3.0 Just Around The Corner Yet Still No Transfers For iPhone Users ~ OS X Fanatics Says:

    […] is a world beyond that of iTunes you know! Luckily, outside of Apple, some indy programmer are working on a solution. Why all of this cloak and dagger crap just to get something as basic as Bluetooth transfers […]

  10. jayesh solanki Says:

    Same Problem.”The application iBluetooth cannot be opened”

    I tried:-

    Upgrading from 2.0 to 2.2
    Restored the iphone and then again installed firmware 2.2.
    I copied iBluetooth_ File as well in the Application Folder.

    But software still seems to abuse me by saying “The application iBluetooth cannot be opened”

  11. jayesh solanki Says:

    Sorry i missed 1 step.

    I also gave permission to 7777. But Same Problem.

  12. mohammed Says:


  13. anurag Says:

    But software still seems to abuse me by saying “The application iBluetooth cannot be opened”

  14. Wassim Says:

    Can I have ibluetooth cydia source please

  15. hi Says:

    Just install a free app from the app store and then reboot ur iphone, the ibluetooth will then work. Cheers.

  16. mann Says:

    how can i get ibluetooth………………….

  17. mann Says:

    plzzzzzzzzzzz help me……….how i can have free ibluetooth……….

  18. OuS Says:

    Guys help me to get ibluetooth pleeeeeease !!

  19. No Says:

    Yes, there is an aplication for hear the music files in your iPhone trough blootooth. Actualy I don’t remember it’s name but youshould have installed the blotooth aplication for hear calls.

  20. No Says:

    Yes, there is an aplication for that and it is called bluetooth mono sbsettings but you should have installed an aplication to redirect calls to you head set first.

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