Feb 23

ihome2iHome 2.0 is a application released in cydia that will allow you to gesture control your iphone. iHome bounds several functions together with the home key. It’s a MobileSubstrate extension very handy to quickly use the fullest of your iPhone. Check the video on how it exactly works:


  1. Quickly return to the first page of your springboard by swiping your finger from right to left.
  2. Stop your wiggling icons by swiping towards the left.
  3. Wipe from left to right ad your iPhone will go in lock mode.
  4. A short slide will make a pop-up appear with several options: Lock, Respring, Reboot, Power Off
  5. When used in application (eg Safari, iPod) swipe to the left to visualize a pop-up menu to return home.

iHome is available in Cydia via the repository of iSpazio

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13 Responses to “Cydia – iHome 2.0”

  1. Andy Says:

    I cannot find iHome when I search for it in Cydia. I installed all those other “needed” packages from Cydia, still couldn’t find it?

  2. Dirk Says:

    Same here … No ihome in cydia with ispazio

  3. kurt Says:

    u can find as homHD instead of ihome in cydia

  4. Joe Says:

    Ihome is not in the ispazio repo. and homeHD is not installing for some reason. Can someone please help?

  5. rob Says:

    I think ihome is now mquickdo

  6. rob Says:

    in that ispaz rep

  7. Jack Says:

    It sucks, this does not work on iphone 3g. My home button is not working and I was really hoping this might help, but it doesn’t. What a shame.

  8. sau Says:

    yes its mquickdo now..and also an os3.x , 4.x is available

  9. zubayer Says:

    Try proswitcher

  10. zubayer Says:

    mQuickDo works exactly as shown in the video! my home button wasn’t functioning. installed mQuickDo and it like more than the home button :)

  11. zubayer Says:

    correction: …like it more….

  12. MADbxxtch Says:

    This is bs my home button still doesnt work & ive tried all these apps.

  13. Adam Says:

    None of these programs are in Cydia anymore! Help!

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