Feb 16

img_0014Eric Castro released a new application onto Cydia. We know him from his super cool apps iSlsk and MewSeek and PwnPlayer. Today he released MewSeek Pro. MewSeek Pro is a upgraded version of MewSeek that has several cool functions:

-Unlike MewSeek it’s not P2P based but HTTP so the download speeds will be much better
– Search results might not be as good as in original MewSeek, but you’ll get them instantly.
– Import your downloaded tunes into the iPhone, iPod music library.
– Price Tag of $6.99

So why do we have to pay for this premium version?

I’ll let Eric answer this:

Now the question many of you might be asking.. why you have to pay for it?
I’ve never been a fan of charging for my apps. But unfortunately I am living on my own now and gotta say, I need anything that could help me support this projects in order to get some food on my table as well as paying taxes and rent. Donations never went that good (altough they helped me get my MacBook), so that’s one of the main reasons why I’m charging 6.99 for registering.

On the other hand, MewSeek Pro uses Seeqpod’s API to display results. Seeqpod has been also developing apps for mobile devices and they asked me to please not give it out for free, otherwise it would be very unfair competition. This is also one of the main reasons.

Please don’t get mad for this. You still have the original MewSeek which I didn’t abandon. I will include support for music library management both on original MewSeek and -maybe- PwnPlayer

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2 Responses to “Cydia – Mewseek Pro”

  1. alex Says:


  2. robert diaz Says:

    i want to down loaed music to my mp3

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