Nov 10

iPhone developer Return 7 has difficulties to bring out an updated version of CastCatcher to the App Store. Apple rejected the update because the radio app is using too much bandwith in comparison with other radio apps. The old version remain available through the App store.

Apple wrote following to the developers:

CastCatcher Internet Radio cannot be posted to the App Store because it is transferring excessive volumes of data over the cellular network, which as outlined in the iPhone SDK Agreement section 3.3.15, is prohibited

Price: $3,99
US App Store: CastCatcher 1.2

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One Response to “Apple rejects CastCatcher update: “Too much bandwith””

  1. Raoul Vaneigem Says:

    Castcatcher isn’t alone. There are more developers in the same boat, but they keep quiet because App Store rejections are under NDA.

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