Oct 30

The iPhone-Dev team just put a new message on their blog. They announced that firmware 2.2 is still unlockable for the iPhone 2G and it still let’s you jailbreak your iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch. The official word is:The second beta of firmware version 2.2 has been out for a few days.  It looks like Apple still doesn’t have a fix for devices already prone to the pwnage jailbreak and unlock.

Here’s our obligatory screenshot of a jailbroken and unlocked 1G/2G iPhone running 2.2beta2 (which also shows an interesting daemon they left lying around).


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5 Responses to “Firmware 2.2 still unlockable (iPhone 2G) and Jailbreakable.”

  1. Chuck Says:

    The question now is:

    For those who HAVE jailbroken their 3G iPhone FW 2.1 and installed bunch of Cydia apps, how EASY it is to upgrade to FW 2.2 and MAINTAIN those jailbroken apps.

    AFAIK, all those jailbroken apps will be WIPED out when upgrading to FW 2.2, including all the settings, etc.

  2. (M) Says:

    just get them again…
    no big deal :cool:

  3. jason Says:

    plzzz help me

    i have a unlocked i phone 1.1.4 version and when i synced my i phone to i tunes it asked me to update to 2.2.0 and i did and i think its locked again now please tell me how to unlock it again plzz

  4. Lucee Says:

    where is a good tut. for this. I have a 3G 2.1 fw, downloaded apps from cydia, so everything will be lost from cydia? maybe its not worth it.

  5. D Says:

    Jason, simply download quickpwn2.2 for windows and when asked check add cydia/installer and unlock. also download the firmware 2.2 from online and select when prompted.

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