Oct 15

RailWater is a new game that appeared into Cydia a few days ago. RailWater 1.0 is the new variant of the classic tube game. You know the game in which you have to make sure that the water or liquid gets to it’s destination. Railwater adds a new feature to the classic game.

It’s no longer just making sure the water gets to it’s destination but now you will need to make sure that it reaches it in the correct quantities.
The games has 4 type of tubes.

Each of the tubes has a number of knots and each knot takes away 10cc.
So for example if you start with 250cc and your first balloon is 210cc, you will need to take a tube with 4 knots to get to the 210cc.

Railwater is free and you can find it in Cydia on the iSpazio Repo and requires you to have a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch.

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