Aug 01

One thing i think that many of us might have noticed is that apples TouchFighter which they demonstrated back on march 6, never even made it to the appstore. This game might just take its place. Read on for full review and screenshots.

StarSmasher is pretty simple yet still fun. the point of the game is to avoid the comets while also trying to shoot the other ship. The basic game play is fun but the controls are a little tough. you simply use the accelerometer to steer and tap the screen to shoot. you have to tilt your iPhone a long way into the direction you want your ship to move. the ship also seems to move a little slow, which makes it difficult to avoid comets. this little (hopeful) TouchFighter replacement will cost you 3$.

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One Response to “App Store – StarSmasher”

  1. Tilt Fighter: a side scroller space shooting game » appstore, iPhone Games » iPhoneFreakz Says:

    […] object of Tilt Fighter is very much like StarSmasher except from a different view. the point of the game is to shoot down the asteroids and whatever […]

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