Jun 21

Databinge released 3 updates to his very popular applications. Moleskine v0.50b1 & TimeCapsule v0.41b1 & WildEyes! v0.20b1. Moleskine is a notes application for the iPhone. TimeCapsule is a backup application for the iPhone and WildEyes for Safari let’s you view all your documents within safari. I’ll go into more detail after the break.

Changelog of Moleskine:

moleskine can display imported HTML notes properly, if you have created these notes using other applications for Notes.app. However, the formatting does not stay. If you edit the file, you will lose the formatting.


  • HTML display
  • rewrote “import Notes” to import HTML notes properly

Changelog of TimeCapsule:


  • Removed ‘backup by csv’ for everything other than SMS, because it was not supposed to be there.
  • TimeCapsule in Danish is back.
Changelog of WildEyes for Safari:

You’ll be able to create WebClips to documents saved in ~/Sites, so you can access them directly without opening WildEyes! There’s a default icon for it right now, which is a moleskine. After you create a webclip, your device will respring on exit.

Also, thanks to ZodTTD for pointing out that there was something wrong with my toolchain, causing MMiThemer not to work for some users. And this problem affect all my other applications. It’s fixed. If you have been using my apps without problem, this matter does not affect you. In the next few days, I will update the rest of my applications. So if WildEyes! used to crash for you, try this one.

Full reviews off all versions can be found by clicking on the name Moleskine & TimeCapsule & WildEyes! .

This little app is available in the Installer.app through the ModMyIfone packaging source, see our sources page.

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One Response to “Moleskine v0.50b1 & TimeCapsule v0.41b1 & WildEyes! v0.20b1 released for the iPhone”

  1. Jash Sayani Says:

    I love HC’s apps! But unfortunately they are not accepted into the AppStore…
    But they will be in Installer 4 on 2.0 firmware :smile:

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