Jun 20

A chinese news paper has publicized the list with all the company’s that are making the separate iPhone 3G components. There aren’t much supprises here, as most of the components we find in the new iPhone 3G have already been used in the current first gen iPhone. One interesting fact is that these company’s will see there revenues increased substantionaly as Apple is expecting to sell more then 27million units by the end of 2009.

Infineon will bet the supplier of the central processing unit, better known as the S-GOLD3. The GPS chip in the iPhone 3G will be made by Broadcom, the specific chipset is not yet known. The camera lenses will be by Largan Precision and Genius Electronics Optical. The Touch Panel made by Sharp. And the Assembly

Major component suppliers of 3G iPhone



Handset chip

Infineon Technologies


United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC)

IC packaging

Siliconware Precision Industries (SPIL)

Camera lens

Largan Precision, Genius Electronics Optical

Camera module

Altus Technology, Primax Electronics


Foxconn Electronics, Foxconn Precision Components


Sharp (Japan)

Quartz crystal unit



Unimicron Technology, Nanya PCB, Compeq Manufacturing

GPS chip



Foxconn Electronics

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3 Responses to “iPhone 3G – Manufactor list publiced”

  1. Jash Sayani Says:

    GPS Chip – Broadcom is the most cache one… :neutral:

  2. Speculation - What *IS* Causing all the iPhone 3G Performance Issues | Gear Diary Says:

    […] morning, both of us are goggling it up, trying to get the skinny on who manufactured the iPhone 3G. What we’ve found is that MANY different companies made all of the different […]

  3. Pavel Says:

    Who is manufacturing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules for iPhones 3G??? Universal Scientific Industrial (USI)?????

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