Backup any iPhone or iPod (music) file with FileBrowser
iPhoneBrowser is a windows based file browser for your iPhone. It features drag and drop uploading to our phone, automatic and manual backups of files on your phone, previews of text and picture files and very cool icons. Why do you need another file management solution for your device? Because this one is very easy to use. The app features direct shortcuts to all your folders you need the most when modding your iPhone. It let’s you go directly to your ringtones, uisounds, springboard images and settings, summerboard themes, standard applications, third-party applications, camera roll and your fonts.
This tool is also perfect if you need to backup your music.
1) Download and install the setup application from it’s google code page.
2) Let’s launch the app and have a look. iPhoneFilebrowser opens default to your / directory.
3) The interesting part of the app is the GoTo location! From here you have direct access to.
- ringtones
- UI sounds
- Springboard images and settings
- summerboard themes
- Standard applications
- Calculator Icon and images
- Calendar icon and images
- Camera/photos and images
- clock icone and images
- ipod icon and images
- mail icon and images
- maps icon and images
- notes icon and images
- notes icon and images
- phone icon and images
- safari icon and images
- settings icon and images
- sms icon and images
- stocks icon and images
- weather icon and images
- youtube icon and images
- Third-party applications
- Customize Files
- DockSwap/Customize Docks
- Ebooks
- Frotz Games
- iFlashCards
- Installer Package sources
- iSwitcher themes
- weDict Dictionairies
- Camera roll (DCIM)
- Fonts
4) iPhoneFilebrowser also let’s you view previews of the images on your iPhone/iPod Touch.
5) If you ever need to backup your music (iTunes crash, harddisk crash, etc..) You can recover your music and video’s from your iPhone if you browse to the directory /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music
The folders with the strange names like F00 etc, are the folders where you can find all your music.
6) Are you running into problems? Make sure you have at least V7.3.1 of iTunes installed. If you still get errors, make sure you have the Manzana.dll and iTunesMobileDevice.dll in the same directory as iPhoneBrowser.exe.
\\ tags: iphonebrowser, iphonefilebrowser, iphonefilebrowser, itunesmobiledevice.dll, mange iphone filesystem, manzana.dll
June 2nd, 2008 at 7:53 pm
I have a 1.1.4, jailbroken iphone by ziphone. When using iphonebrowser my iphone is recognized and I can browse through directories. When I try to upload a file, iphonebrowser seems to stall. I’ve already tried with and without the itunesmobiledevice.dll in the iphonebrowser folder. I’ve attempted to upload an ebook at 68k, and an snes rom at 2.5mb with the same results. Suggestions?? :???:
June 2nd, 2008 at 8:00 pm
OK, apparently iphonebrowser is only stalling when I attempt to drop something into the snes folder, also this is getting to be a real hassle that I have to restart my iphone everytime I close iphonebrowser… I don’t understand why I can copy to some directiores yet my snes roms folder freezes. Maybe a read only folder????
June 20th, 2008 at 11:10 am
hi how to download games via iphonebrowser.
please reply as soon as possible.
August 1st, 2008 at 9:34 am
What am I doing wrong? I am not getting the compete directory list.
iphonebrowser recognizes my iphone but does not list the directories. When I manually goto location tab, I get an error: The program could not find path… Have you successfully used jailbreak?
Certainly it has been jailbroken. What to do?