Docs 1.11
Docs got another update .. it’s now on version 1.11
The developer fixed some bugs and added some features.
The full changelog is :
-Fixed bug where if saved folder no longer ixists, app connot find any files and no longer has “…” available. (Thank you Bart Elsman).
– Added preference to only show supported file types rather than all files. Defaults to off.
I’ll give you some updated screenshots but if you like to see a full detailed review please check the Docs (extensive guide post).
This little app is available in the through the BigBoss packaging source, see our sources page.
\\ tags: Bart Elsman, doc, docs, document viewer, excel, favorite backup solution, fileviewer, gui, iPhone, ipod touch, media files, native iphone document viewer, pdf, word
June 6th, 2008 at 11:20 pm
What is the file size limitation on viewing a pdf? I opened a 15 MB pdf and Safari said it cannot open it due to size. Is there an app that will?