May 20

Gizmodo confirmed that the 3G iPhone will be announced on the Keynote of Steve Jobs.

According to there sources the 3G iPhone will be available immediatly after the launch and not at year’s end and this worldwide !

In Spain the 3G iPhone will be launched at june 18 with a grand opening of Telefonica’s megastore.

What’s also breaking is the fact that the iPhone will no longer be available on a fixed price, carriers will be able to price the cellphone as they wish.

Ps: This picture is the supposed 3G Exo Case!

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3 Responses to “Breaking news !! Gizmodo got confirmation of the 3G iPhone launch”

  1. bennyvd Says:

    o.m.g. That’s some big news !!

  2. Gizmodo: iPhone 3G introductiedatum bevestigd » Nieuws » Says:

    […] Dankjewel, Multinova. […]

  3. Jash Sayani Says:

    Thats simply awesome !!!

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