May 15

For people who have no idea what i’m talking about.
ZodTTD is the guru who created almost every single console emulater you can think off.
These include Genesis4iphone, Gameboy4iphone, GpsPhone, PsxPhone, etc etc.
If you’d like to have more details about these, please check this page.


He also announced that he’s currently working on a new project for our beloved devices.

The name will be temper4iPhone and it’s better known as the pc engine.

I think we will soon be very pleased with this emu …

These emus are available in the through the ZODTTD packaging source, see <a href=””>our sources</a> page. Enjoy


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2 Responses to “ZodTT released al his beta’s to the public.”

  1. Kl Says:


  2. ben hammond Says:

    hi, i got the gpsphone cracked off cydia, downloaded the popular roms package, the app opens all the games are there, i select 1, i choose 1 of the opyions portrait with sound, or any of them, then nothing happens it goes straight back to springboard, am firmware 3.1.3 PLZ HELP

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