iPhone unlocking + jailbreak the beginnners guide.

Yesterday evening i was playing around with Customize v2.0. I was installing and applying theme’s, sound sets, icon’s and so on.. Then i went into the preferences options of SMB in Customize and i disabled SMB .. My iPhone asked to be rebooted and tata i had the SPOD (spinning wheel of death).
No matter what i tried, i just couldn’t get back into my springboard.. After searching my iPhone filesystem for a solution, i finally gave up and restored it.
This time i used iLiberty+ and i must say that this unlocking app is really the best that i’ve used so far.
I’ll show you a exact howto.
1) Download the latest version of iLiberty+ from here.
2) Install the app and run it after the installation.
3) On the opening screen, enable the Jailbreak, Activate, Youtube fix, Unlock, Downgrade bootloader and Cydia.
4) click on Advanced. and then on Available on repo.
5) Click on refresh to load all the app’s (payload) from the REPO.
6) Activate the following.
– Appsupport patch for 1.1.2- 1.1.4
– Bootneuter
– BSD Subsystem
– Fix mobile folder permission
– Installer (very important !! if you don’t select this one, you will only have Cydia to install your apps.)
– International Support for iPhone 1.1.4
– Mobile Safari Patch
– OpenSSH
– Relocate Fonts and Ringtones
7) clik on the download button to prepare your payloads. (this can take quite some time)
8) Now click on local payloads. And select all the options you have there.
9) Now go back to the standard tap.
10) Connect your new or restored iPhone to your PC and wait untill iLiberty+ detects your iPhone. (you will see it when iLiberty ‘s GO FOR IT button lights up and when you see Ready on the lower left of iLiberty+)
11) Click on the Go For IT button. Click ok on the popup and let iLiberty do it’s work.
12) If iLiberty doesn’t succeed in finding your iPhone the first time, don’t panic and just disconnect and reconnect your iPhone again.
13) Now watch the screen of your iPhone. This process should take some minutes, so be patient.
14) When it’s finished Your screen should look like this.
15) Now you can setup iTunes to either restore your backup or create a new profile.
16) The next step is now to add the sources of the apps you’d like to have installed. See our how to add sources page and off course our sources page.
Voila that’s it. Easy he :)
\\ tags: Appsupport, beginner, easy iphone unlock, guide, iPhone, jailbreak, unlock, YouTube
July 21st, 2008 at 5:31 pm
Now when I got to step 13 nothing happened, When I try and restor to 1.1.4 I get this error msg see video..http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=xd1Ex6-sCJY
July 22nd, 2008 at 9:52 am
Hi Multinova
I got ILiberty to work last night all apps look like they are working OK with one major exception I am getting a msg on the top left NO SERVICE, I have a tried a few things like re setting the network and that but I still get NO SERVICE when I insert my sim card..
Any suggestions would be great…Joe
August 30th, 2008 at 7:07 am
i recently updated my iphone 2G from 1.1.4 to 2.0.2
i am not getting any network now !! i heard that 2.0.2 does not work in india ..
god knows why !
is there anyway i can rollback to 1.1.4 ??
October 1st, 2008 at 8:21 pm
Hi. I just restored my iphone using iTunes. I want to jailbreak it and starting using iLilberty+…but it’s been in “entering recovery mode’ for more than hour. What is the easiest way to jailbreak an iphone considering that i do not know anything about iphones?
October 5th, 2008 at 10:27 am
hi multinova,
i have really huge problem out of my 8gb iphone. i made already restoring the firmware using itunes then gone with your instructions but it is only until number 12. i continued follow the instruction (disconnecting and reconnecting, and waited several minutes but nothing happen, nothing appear in the screen of my iphone). please try to help me i tried also ziphone but nothing happen…..still i cannot use my iphone using other carrier sim card.
Thanks in advance!!!
October 7th, 2008 at 8:48 am
PLZ help i tried to restore i did it and now my phone is stuck in safe mode and i tune says im obligated to put new version if i restore ive tried evrithing u said and it still dont do nothing
October 7th, 2008 at 8:49 am
i tried restoring again now it finished it but it says sim not compatible ….
Multinova hlp plz
October 7th, 2008 at 8:50 am
i have itunes 8 if it maters since 7 vont locate my phone even in safe mode
October 7th, 2008 at 9:04 am
i managed to start the restoring using firmware 1.1.4 instead off the newest version but now when its preparing the installation it says The iPhone could not be restored. An uknown error ocured i hope i dident break the iphone i jst got it its a 1g 16 dids if it matters
October 7th, 2008 at 9:42 am
Is there any way to connect the iphone from pc win for the terminal service using usb port not wifi..??
i need to chmod some app and other
October 7th, 2008 at 10:16 am
seriously, it did not work. tried everything.
useless much?
anyways whatever. thx for the tips multinova. i wonder why u’re not replying to anybody….
October 11th, 2008 at 4:41 am
:cry: I unlocked my phone in ziphone and and i could not use any apps all i could do is call so i restored in itunes and accidentally up grade to 2.0 thin ran ziphone again. For a whole day it would not come out of recovary mode so i ran ziphone on my pc and it loaded up all apps phone looked good but would not let get any service . So i restord to 1.1.4 and ran iliberty+ and now i am geting unlock failed. I onley used my phone for 5 min I would reely like to use again pleas help if you can
December 5th, 2008 at 6:51 pm
:shock: my son reset my iphone 3g 8gb now its locked and i don’t have anyway to unlock it. i dont have att service anymore and was waiting for a turbo sim card in the mail. should i wait for the card or is there a way to unlock it now. i will be using the turbo sim card and my t-moblie sim. can you help?
June 30th, 2009 at 6:16 pm
hllo i’m from belgium i have an original dutch iphone buth i want to jailbraeke it
so i found this site en downloaded liberty
x but when i have to refresh it says ….Error on: http://iLiberty.zjlotto.com/repo.plist (10060: )
what is this i juist want to jailbraeke for de cam recorder en de slide unlock changes