Apr 22

Gameboy4iPhone has been released to the general public.
Although you won’t find it in your trusted installer app.
ZodTTD has decided to release this specific emu first on Cydia (App installer like Installer).

For the people not knowing what cydia is, it’s like installer (but better), but on the other hand it has less sources.

The ambitious people can install it via cydia (first install ZodTTD source, and then you can find it in the games section), for the guys running installer, just wait 1 a 2 days and i’ll show you where to find it.

I must say, i’ve played gameboy4iphone for quite some time now, and it simply rocks !!
The graphics are perfect, no lagging at all, however, now and then you have some lagging of the sound. But it’s perfectly playable !

I’ll show you how.

1) To install go to the games section in your installer. And chose the Gameboy4iPhone v1.5.0 from ZODTTD.com
i’ll add these screens when they are available in installer.

2) After you have installed the app, upload upload a ROM to /var/(mobile or root depending on firmware)/Media/ROMs/GAMEBOY/.

Roms can be found here .

Please make sure you own the original games !!!!

Upload the roms + the bios via WinSCP or FUGU for mac.

For a howto upload + download files on your iPhone or iPod touch, go here .

2) Let’s run the app after installation. You will see a Splash-screen, just click ok here.
For this example i used Super Mario Bros deluxe and our favorite original Tetris .
The game works perfectly with the default settings, but you can always tweak some options in the settings page. If you want you can always save your game, so you can start again where you left off.

You can also play in landscape mode, but as you’re fingers will be covering half of the screen, it’s better to play in portrait mode. But this is up to you :)


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One Response to “Play gameboy games on your iPhone/iPod Touch with Gameboy4iPhone v1.5.0”

  1. Jacob Says:

    Great app, thanks for it, one question: how do you delete save game files?

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